Chaires Methodist Church

Rooted In The Past – Growing For The Future

9243 Parkhill Road, Tallahassee, FL (850) 219-9361

Pastor Kerry Foote

Sunday Service 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
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Announcements and Events

October Potluck

Don’t forget, October 6th is the first Sunday of the month and we will be having our first of the month pot-luck meal.  Bring a dish to share and be ready for some wonderful food and fellowship.

Chicken Pilau (purrlow)

Save the date. We will have our Chicken Pilau on November 14 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Plan now to sign up on the volunteer sheets starting October, 1st.

Movies Under The Oaks

Watching movies under the Oaks at Chaires Methodist Church will start back up on Friday, October 4th @ 7:30 p.m.  This event will be free to the community and food and refreshments will be provided. We will pick up with the Chosen Series, Season 2. Click Here to see the schedule for October – April.

Saint Francis of Assisi Day (blessing of the pets)

Chaires will be hosting a special, “Blessing of the Pets” on the Chaires Methodist campus on October 4th from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.  Bring your pets to church to receive a blessing from our pastor. 

Trunk or Treat

This year Chaires will again be sponsoring a vehicle at the annual Texas Roadhouse Trunk or Treat. That means we need a lot of candy. So, for the month of October, we will be taking up candy donations every Sunday in the back of the sanctuary. We will also have a special “stuffing” day on Sunday, October 27th following the Sunday worship service in the Sunday School classroom. We need to stuff special gift bags with candy and various “Christian themed” Halloween trinkets and prizes.

Church Conference / Love Feast

Mark your calendars and save the date for our annual Church Conference / Love Feast on November 3, 2024 @ 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will not only be affirming the business of the church, but we will be celebrating all our accomplishments over the past year and turning our attention to what the future holds for Chaires Methodist. We will kick off this event with a Love Feast / Potluck meal in which Chaires will provide BBQ that is prepared on our open pit grill, and we are asking members of the congregation to bring a side dish to share.  This Love Feast will start in the multi-purpose sanctuary and after the meal, we will head over to the historic sanctuary for a time of conference and celebration.

Community Pet Pantry

We are seeking volunteers to help with a community pet pantry at Lake Jackson United Methodist Church. Call or email Sheila Novak to learn more about how you can serve. 850-591-4171,

Faith Responders

Chaires Methodist Church is a part of the network of churches participating in the Global Methodist Church’s Faith Responders outreach. Churches provide funds and volunteers to assist those who have experienced natural disasters, mainly in North Florida. Stay tuned for more information.

Choir Practice

Choir practice is every Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Everyone who enjoys singing is welcome. For more information contact Gerry Nielson. Now is the time to join if you would like to be part of the music during Advent and Christmastide.

Women’s Group

The women’s group will meet on the 4th Saturday of each month. The next meeting will be on Saturday, October 5th at 10 a.m. in the multipurpose building. Terry Hatcher will lead the ladies’ group in making Christmas cards. She attends card-making classes and has some real expertise to offer.  Y’all come! 

Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study

This will be a monthly fellowship and bible study using the book “Wild at Heart” ($10) The group will meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 a.m. in the multipurpose building. Breakfast will be provided. The next Date is October 2nd.

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